Privacy Policy

BooGooTEAM is the doujinshi event preparation team affiliated with 3X3 Creative Design Company (hereinafter referred to as “We”) that provides services related to event participation.
We value your privacy and comply with the laws and regulations governing privacy rights and personal data. The following content will explain the type of personal data we collect and how we use such data, in addition to explaining the important matters related to your privacy.
Please study this Privacy Policy carefully before registration and make sure to understand the content of this policy. When you register for membership to the Platform or start using this Platform, this will constitute your agreement to our privacy policy.

Article 1 Collection of Personal Data and Other Data

1. 1. We will ask you to enter the data when you register as “General Member” :

1.1 Required information

(1) E-mail;
(2) Date of Birth.

1.2 Optional information

(1) Nick name;
(2) Real name;
(3) Mobile phone number.

2. We will ask you to enter the data when you register the “Overseas Circle Registration Form”:

2.1 Required information

(1) E-mail;
(2) Circle name;
(3) Circle link;
(4) Nick name;
(5) Real name.

2.2 Optional information

(1) Plurk;
(2) Facebook;
(3) Twitter/X;
(4) Instagram;
(5) Message.

3. We will ask you to enter the data when you use the online customer service of this platform:

(1) E-mail;
(2) Contact person;
(3) Mobile phone number;
(4) User ID and message.

4. We may collect the following data when you use this platform:

4.1 We may collect your data of use on this platform (user records, search records…etc.) via the Cookie in order to provide the different functions of the website.
4.2 If you do not accept the Cookie, you may set up the level of privacy on your browser functions but this may cause some functions of this platform from working properly.

Article 2 Use of Personal Data and Other Data

1. For general browsing, the server will automatically record your related routing including the IP address of your connecting equipment, visiting time and place, type of browser, browsing and data clicking records. The record above will not be linked to your data directly. If you are concerned about the content of the provisions under this clause, please stop using the website immediately.
2. The personal data (e.g. event registration data, usage, and technical data…etc.) we collect from you will be used on: identification of member identity, email communication, provision of services to member dashboard, verification of age eligibility over 18 years old for activating the adult-orinted goods page, validation of transaction, online registration, cirlce/goods overview data updating, invoice and circle confirmation sending, notice updating, and all other services related to the event or the platform.
3. If there is a PT ONLY founder team, the data related to the event registration of the circle (including nick name, e-mail, and other data) could be provided to that PT ONLY founder team for use on special project and other planning.
4. If the event has an independent organizing team and we act as the co-organizing team, we will provide the Platform for registration and other assistance. The circle registering data for the event will be provided to the organizing team for use in contact with you, online registration of the event, providing circle information and sending circle entry e-mail.
5. We may share the general data without personal identification with a third party due to operation requirements, including traffic statistics, click rate, visiting time and place, and type of browsers.

Article 3 Data Security and Protection

1. We will not provide your personal data and the event registration data to any third party unrelated to the platform without your consent, except for situations when requested by judicial or government agencies for coordination with investigation by law.
2. To protect privacy and security, member data will be encrypted and protected by password, and only authorized personnel may access your personal data. We will do our best to protect the security of members’ personal data.
3. Please safeguard your account, password, and personal data. DO NOT provide such data to anyone. Log out your account immediately after using the services of the Platform for security reason.
4. The platform could contain external links to other websites or web pages. However, such links are provided only for reference and the platform may not be held liable for any direct or indirect losses incurred.

Article 4 Data Change and Deletion

1. After completing the membership registration procedures, you may not change the data on E-mail and date of birth. You may change the data on the profile on the member dashboard freely.
2. The time to change data of circle functions are subject to the time announced for the events on the platform.
3. If you need to stop and delete your member account, please visit the member dashboard, and click the member function “Profile” → Choose “Delete Account” Once the member account has been deleted, you may not continue to use the services of this platform.

Article 5 Revision and Validity of Privacy Policy

We comply with laws and regulations related to privacy and personal data protection, and we will update our privacy policy at all time. Matters of any material revision will be published on the website and you will be notified of such revision via email.
If you have any questions regarding our privacy policy, please contact us.


Terms of Service

BooGooTEAM is the doujinshi event preparation team (hereinafter referred to as “We”) affiliated with 3X3 Creative Design Company. We provide services related to event participation on BooGooTeam platform (hereinafter referred to as the “Platform”) according to the Terms of Services.
Please study the Terms of Service carefully and make sure you understand the content of the Terms of Service before registration. When you proceed to membership registration procedures of this platform or start of using this Platform, you are deemed as having read and fully agreed with all agreement of this Terms of Service.

Article 1 Acknowledgement and Acceptance of Terms of Service

1. You understand and agree to use this platform, and your intent may be expressed electronically. For example, clicking agree or confirm and other functions on the services and function pages shall be deemed as the expression of your formal intent.
2. We may revise and update the content to the Terms of Service from time to time due to changes in laws and regulations or adjustments of service content, which shall take effect from the date of announcement. We suggest you pay attention to the Terms of Service at all times. Any revision will be announced for related matters on the website, which will be sent to you via email notice. If you continue to use the platform after the revision and update of the Terms of Service, it shall be deemed that you have read, understood, and agreed to accept the revised and updated Terms of Service.
3. If you are a minor, you should have read, understood, and agreed to comply with the Terms of Service while your legal representative (parents or guardians) must concurrently read, understand, and agree to comply with all content of the Terms of Service, before you could register membership and use this platform. If you continue to use this Platform after the revision and update of the Terms of Service, it shall be deemed that you and your legal representative (parents or guardian) have read, understood, and agreed to accept the revised and updated Terms of Service.
4. If you disagree with the Terms of Service (including subsequent revision and update) or if you do not accept any part of the Terms of Service, you should stop using the platform services immediately.

Article 1 Acknowledgement and Acceptance of Terms of Service

1. The platform provide online information service for events held, including but not limited to:

1.1 Website frontend display function not limited to member login:

(1) Multi-language version, subject to the language version opened for each event, which could open traditional Chinese version only;
(2) Event information display, i.e. event name, venue, date, entry, registration information, and contact method of organizer;
(3) FAQ;
(4) Information related to circle participating in the event, such as: booth number, circle name, circle image, circle link, themes, circle tags…etc.;
(5) Goods advertising for circles participating in the event, such as: booth number, circle name, themes, C/P & character, goods discription, creater, catagory, price…etc.;
(6) Including advanced search.

1.2 Member registration and login required for using the member dashboard function of general members (unpaid):

(1) Editing profile freely (some fields may not be revised after registration);
(2) Follow circle overview: Follow the circles from the frontend of the platform and view and revise at the member dashboard (the number of follows is limited. No CSV files may be downloaded);
(3) Favorites list: Click your favorite goods from the platform and view/revise on the member dashboard (the number of favorites list per single event is limited and no CSV files may be downloaded).

1.3 Member registration and login to member dashboard is required for using the member dashboard functions of general members (paid):

(1) Editing profile freely (some fields may not be revised after registration);
(2) Follow circle overview: Follow the circles from the platform and view and revise at the member dashboard (unlimited number of follows and can be downloaded to CSV files);
(3) Favorites list: Click your favorite goods from the platform and view/revise on the member dashboard (unlimited number of favorites list per single event and can be downloaded to CSV files).

2. The Platform reserves the right to revise and change all functions.

Article 3 Terms of Use and Obligations for Members

1. Member Account and Password Security

1.1 To register with the Platform and use the relevant functions, you must provide correct and complete data and make sure it is updated to the latest status.
1.2 Any incompletion, error or misleading situations with the data provided could affect your rights as a member. For severe situations, we may temporarily suspend or cancel your member account and/or the right to use the Platform.
1.3 The member account is the email you registered for receiving the authentication code. You may set up the email and password and you will be able to use the services provided by the Platform after completing the registration procedures. You will use this registration email for all future login of account.
1.4 After completing the registration procedures, you will receive one user identification code corresponding to the email you provided at registration (hereinafter referred to as “User ID.”) The user ID will be used to identify your member account and access relevant data.
1.5 In your best interests, please safeguard your account, password, and personal data. Do not provide such data to any party or share the data with other parties, nor should you transfer the said data. For personal negligence or if you provide the account and password for others to use, we may not be held liable for the related responsibilities nor refund, in case of any loss incurred or suspension of the account.
1.6 If you find any issues related to security such as theft of your account and password, please notify us immediately. If necessary, we will ask you to provide your personal data, so as to validate the relevant data. We reserve the right to administer the authority of use for the said controversial account.

2. Privacy Protection Policy

We value your personal privacy and comply with the laws and regulations governing the protection of privacy and personal data. The Platform “Privacy Policy” shall apply to the relevant regulations while the “Privacy Policy” constitutes a part of the Terms of Service.

3. Terms of Use

3.1 When you use the Platform, you shall comply with the agreement on the Terms of Conditions and shall agree to comply all regulations and event guidelines announced on the website. You should comply with the laws and regulations of Taiwan, regardless if you were a user from Taiwan.

3.2 You hereby agree and guarantee not to use the Platform for engagement of conduct violating the law, which conduct includes but is not limited to:

(1) Stealing others’ accounts and sharing accounts with others for use of this Platform.
(2) Misusing others' names or data to register and use this Platform.
(3) The distribution or upload of any false, defamation, insulting, threatening, aggressive, indecent, obscene, or other illegitimate wording, image, or files in any form, that are in violation of public order or goodwill customs.
(4) The damage and interference with various data, events, or functions provided by the Platform, or the hacking, attempted hacking, and sabotage of any system of the Platform in any means, or any infringement or destructive behaviors via the Platform.
(5) Engagement of selling guns, drugs, doping, pirated software, other contrabands, or other illegal transactions and behaviors.
(6) Breach of contract for the confidentiality obligations by law or according to the contract.
(7) Other conducts that do not conform to the purpose of use provided by the Platform, or the conduct we deem as inappropriate and infringing the Platform's operation or jeopardizing the interests of the users and the Company, under proper cause.

3.3 If you complete, publish, register, or upload data, including but not limited to data, text, images, photos, links, portraits, and other content, on the Platform, you need to validate that the content is your creation, publication, editing, and preparation, or that you have acquired the licensing or permit for the content.

3.4 For breach of this clause or conduct violating the Terms of the Service, we reserve the right to remove/take off the related content and temporarily/permanently terminate your account.

4. Service Suspension and Termination

If the Platform undergoes maintenance and repair, replacement, relocation, system upgrade, service adjustment consideration, or conditions of force majeure, we may suspend or terminate the Platform services. The Platform may not be held liable for compensation and shall notify via announcement on the official social networks.

Article 4 Limited License

1. The Platform owns the content shown on the Platform, including brand trademark, logo, text, images, platform design, technology, and other content, except the text and images uploaded by circle members.
2. Without the licensing or consent from the Platform, no party shall use, replicate, modify, reproduce, download, distribute or publish, publicly broadcast, live-stream or record any content of the Platform and the website without authorization. If you intend to cite or re-post the foregoing content, you must acquire the consent in writing from the platform or members uploading the content in advance.

Article 5 Disclaimers

1. Data Operation and Content  
The Platform provides circle members with promotion and exposure services for the circles and artworks after successfully registering each event with acceptance and payment. The circle members may instantly upload, edit/update the text, images, link, or other content via this Platform. All fields related to the circle data and artwork data are selected, completed, published, registered, or uploaded by the circle members. The Platform will not be held responsible for the content while the content does not represent the stance of the Platform. Visitors should not trust all content and shall determine the authenticity of the content.
2. Third-Party Links
This Platform could include external links to other websites or webpages and are provided merely for use as reference. The Platform may not be held liable for any direct or indirect loss incurred. The Terms of Service and Privacy Policy of the Platform do not apply to websites or webpages that do not belong to the Platform.

Article 6 General Provisions

For any matters not mentioned by the Terms of Service, both parties agree to resort to the Republic of China (Taiwan) Law as the competent law. Any dispute arising from or related to the Terms of Service of matters related to the platform shall be resorted to Taiwan Kaohsiung District Court as the court of first instance. In case some provisions of this Terms of Service conflict with the Republic of China (Taiwan) law and become invalid. In that case, the other Terms of Service provisions shall retain the complete validity and effect.

※ イベント準備のため、イベント前日からお問い合わせのメールへの返答を一旦休止させて頂きます。大変ご不便をおかけいたしますが、何卒ご理解の程よろしくお願い申し上げます。

Copyright © 布穀町BooGooTEAM